2021 INTERNATIONAL COLOUR DAY See how ICD is being celebrated this year |
AUSTRALIA - Colour Society of Australia Dates: March 19-21, 2021 Topic: The Colour Connections conference will be held over three days ending on International Colour Day 2021. Details: https://coloursociety.org.au/event-3844772 BELGIUM - Interdisciplinary Colour Association Belgium Date: March 21, 2021 (10h - 12h) via Zoom (free access) Topic: Art and the Humanities, Science, and Technology Details: https://ica-belgium.org/international-colour-day-2021-belgium/ CANADA - Colour Research Society of Canada Date: March 21, 2021 Topic: Hosting Considering Colour Multidimensionally: A Lecture + Studio tour with MARIE LANOO, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan artist CRSC Annual General Meeting including a Report on AIC 2022 Sensing Colour Toronto Announcing the winners of our Student Awards for Colour Research Details: https://www.colourresearch.org/crsc-events/2021/3/21/keynote-speaker-and-agm-marie-lannoo GREAT BRITAIN - The Colour Group (GB) Date: March 21, 2021 Topic: Drama and Light - an online talk about about some of the most extraordinary artists of the 17th century Western Europe from El Greco to Caravaggio and Rembrandt to Rubens with focus on the use of colour and light and their influence on the 20th and 21st centuries’ arts. Details: https://www.colour.org.uk/international-colour-day-drama-and-light-2/ HUNGARY - Hungarian National Colour Committee Date: March 17, 2021 Topic: The “PROGRESSIVE GEOMETRY – Homage to Antal Nemcsics” exhibition will open on the 17th March and will be open for a month. Details: The opening ceremony will be on-line, the exhibition at the Museum Tomory will be open to the public, for free. More details to follow. ITALY - Gruppo del Colore – Associazione Italiana Colore Topic: Colour Photography and Film: sharing knowledge of analysis, preservation, conservation, migration of analogue and digital materials 1. Historical and current technologies, materials, processes; 2. Preservation issues and sustainability, which includes a Special Session on Contemporary Photography Preservation Issues; 3. Conservation treatments, experiences, case studies, which includes a Special Session on Emergency preparedness and recovery; 4. Digitization and digital recovery of photographic objects and film materials, which includes a Special Session on Research, Technologies and New Details: https://www.gruppodelcolore.org/la-conferenza/?lang=en NORWAY - FORUM FARGE Date: March 18, 2021 Topic: Colour and Beyond - A webinar arranged in collaboration with The department of Computer Science and The Norwegian Colour and Visual Computing Laboratory at NTNU Gjøvik Details: https://www.forumfarge.no/ Brochure PORTUGAL - The Portuguese Colour Association Date: March 21, 2021 Topics: “Dirigir o Olhar” (Directing the Eye), “Colour in Performance” presented by António Tiza + António Casimiro + Alexandra Cabral and conversation on “Color: Urban Space, Architecture and Design”
RUSSIA - Color Society of Russia SWITZERLAND - AIC Study Group on Environmental Colour Design
Date: March 21, 2021 On the occasion of International Colour Day March 21st, we are pleased to announce the publications stemming from the International Scientific Conference of the Color Society of Russia, RUcolor2020, Smolensk, December 1-5, 2020. The conference publications are fourfold and freely available. Enjoy reading! http://color-lab.org/publikacii/ ; http://www.aicecd.org/index.php?article_id=6&clang=2 SPAIN - Faculty of Sciences of the University of Alicante Date: March 22, 2021 Topic: "Colors do not exist! by Conchi Lillo within the cycle of conferences "Without Science there is no future". Details: https://www.youtube.com/c/CienciasUA https://ciencias.ua.es/es/noticias/ciclo-de-conferencias-2020-21.html |