The Elections for the AIC EC 2026-2027 term will be held during the AIC 2025 Congress General Assembly. The details regarding the AIC elections are specified in our Statutes and Guidelines for AIC Nomination Procedures. Before you send a nomination proposal, we recall here some main points:
Members of the AIC EC shall belong to one AIC Regular Member organization. The AIC EC must be such that no AIC Regular Member is represented by more than one person. The exception to this rule is the Past President. The AIC EC is elected for a 2-year term from the beginning of the calendar year after the election (January 2026). Nominations for the next AIC EC term must be made only, with the candidates' agreement, by the AIC EC or by AIC Regular Members. The AIC Regular Member organization presenting a nomination must have paid the 2025 annual fee to the AIC. The payment must have been received by the AIC no later than March 31, 2025, 8:00 p.m. UTC+0. The candidate or any other person representing the candidate must not get involved in the endorsement process.
THE DUTIES CANDIDATES MUST AGREE TO FULFILL IF ELECTED TO THE AIC EC. All candidates must be available to assist with the running of AIC activities, including publications (Annual Reviews, Newsletters, Proceedings Series, JAIC and website), conferences (Midterm Meetings and Congresses), and International Colour Day. They must agree to attend all AIC EC meetings for the two-year period. In addition, regarding the different positions available in the AIC EC:
AVAILABLE POSITIONS FOR THE AIC EC 2026-2027 ELECTIONS One AIC EC 2024-2025 Ordinary Members, supported by the AIC EC, approvedby the AIC EC, has expressed her option to stay for a second two-year term. She is Eva-Lena Bäckström, so we have five available positions for the AIC EC Elections: NOMINATIONS BY THE AIC EC AND BY AIC REGULAR MEMBERS Nomination by the Executive Committee will be sent to AIC Regular Members no later than 4th April 2025. The deadline was changed because there was a change in the deadline for the nominations by the EC. Nominations by an AIC Regular Member organization must reach, by email (, the AIC Secretary/Treasurer by May 4, 2025, 8 pm UTC+0. The nomination must be sent by the AIC Regular Member organization President and must have two documents (in English language) attached: 1. An acceptance letter, signed by the candidate, where s/he declares is ready, willing, and able to assume the duties and responsibilities of the office for which s/he is being nominated. Candidates must also indicate their acceptance to represent the nominating AIC Regular Member organization. The letter should also mention why the candidate wants to serve in their nominated position on the AIC EC. 2. The candidate's curriculum vitae illustrates the relevant skills and/or experience required to serve the chosen AIC EC position, including a color photograph of the candidate. THE AIC 2022-2023 NOMINATIONS BY THE AIC EC AND BY AIC REGULAR MEMBERS The AIC-EC 2022-2023 has nominated:
Nominations by an AIC Regular Member organization must reach, by email, the AIC Vice-President by June 30, 2023, 8 pm UTC+0. The nomination must be sent by the AIC Regular Member organization President and must have two documents (in English language) attached:
NOMINATIONS RECEIVED BY THE JUNE 30 DEADLINE Nominated by the Stiftelsen Svenskt Färgcentrum Sweden Regular Member for the position of Ordinary EC member: Eva-Lena Bäckström. SLATE OF CANDIDATES For the position of Vice-President: Maria João Durão nominated by the AIC-EC 2022-2023. ENDORSEMENT LETTERS Each candidate nominated by a regular member must be endorsed by one other AIC regular member. The deadline for sending Endorsement letters to the AIC Vice-President is September 30. The Letter must be signed by the Regular Member President. FINAL SLATE OF CANDIDATES For the position of Vice-President: Maria João Durão nominated by the AIC-EC 2022-2023. COMPOSITION OF THE AIC EC 2024-2025 President: Maurizio Rossi TIMETABLE FOR THE ELECTION PROCESS June 30, 2023, 8 p.m. UTC+0: Nominations deadline. Done. ELECTED AIC EC 2024-2025 President: Maurizio Rossi |